What I’m Thankful for

I had a great time this Thanksgiving getting to spend time with my family and learning a new recipe. I took the time to truly be thankful for all of the things that I have as well. Family, friends, and everything I need to be happy. The cookie sale is also something that I am truly thankful for. It has provided me with the opportunity to learn, which I believe is one of the greatest gifts. I have learned business skills and I’ve also gotten to interact with people outside of school and classes. I’ve heard many touching stories that have stuck with me about all sorts of different topics. I also know that none of it would have happened if it weren’t for my mom allowing me to spend all of my time during the cookie season selling cookies. Each year my mom spends all of her free time driving me around to different places all over the city so that I can sell cookies, and I am so thankful that she has done this for me.

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